The Big Sky Women's club was created as a space for women to come together and share their building process. We want you to feel welcome to share it all: the good, the bad, the ugly... and everything between.
We want you to take advantage of the VIP Facebook group as a story telling platform, a place to check in, a group to find connections and a safe space to grow.
Please feel free to add anything you think of as you work through each bundle. We want to know all of your thoughts, all of your inspiration, all of the things that you feel hold you back... whatever it may be.
The BSW member's club is full of ladies who are trying to build and grow just like you. Don't be shy!
Once you finish each lesson please check-in there and let us know how you feel, what you think, what your questions are, and what action steps you want to be held accountable on.
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