For the Love of Money!
Worrying = control = successful outcome is a house built upon the sand, a completely flawed premise. In fact, the opposite is true, the less you worry and the more you trust in the universe’s ability to deliver successful outcomes, the more likely you are to experience them. So - for the love of money!!! - you can let that mental program go and start to experience the life you were meant to live, a life without anxiety..
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Scotti Moser - Money and Success Coach
Scotti is a transformational money and confidence guide. She chose these areas because she has always been fascinated with money. How does one get it? How does one keep it? What should we do with it? It was her quest for these answers that led her to become a Tapping into Wealth Coach through Margaret Lynch’s revolutionary program. When she says “transformational” she means that after working with her, you will show up in your life differently.
You will feel different, you will think different and you will step up and take action in a whole new way. She uses my years of experience being a lawyer to quantify and break down fuzzy gooey personal growth concepts into logical, solid steps and methods that you can apply consistently throughout your life.
Scotti specializes in helping high achieving women grow their income, change their relationship to money and succeed beyond their wildest dreams. The analytical skills she acquired as a lawyer helps her to diagnose with laser-precision, the real reasons her clients aren’t living at the level they were meant for. She then guides them through a holistic process that enables them to drop their blocks and create the life they want.
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